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Bug#747716: closed by Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <perezmeyer@gmail.com> (Not a bug)

I haven't disregarded anything you/Scott said. I specifically
mentioned in that thread that "developers say such-and-such". Didn't
you notice that? I suppose I have the freedom to disagree with your
opinion and try to elicit community opinion. That is what I did.

And note that I am not unnecessarily continuing to make noise by
saying "developers are not listening to users" etc etc. I voiced my
opinion as a user, didn't get overmuch support for it from other
users, and gave in to the developers' opinion then. I suppose that's a
good democratic process.

Please don't be sarcastic when someone is just trying to improve the
Debian packaging or documentation by submitting/voicing their opinion
or trying to mobilize community opinion. Lisandro was nice enough to
say "Even if we might disagree is good to have feedback from our
users." I suppose you can be polite like that too.

Thank you for your good work on Debian.

Shriramana Sharma ஶ்ரீரமணஶர்மா श्रीरमणशर्मा

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