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Bug#740511: libqt5core5a: Some (foreign) packages, that depend on libqt5core5 won't install with libqt5core5a

On Sunday 02 March 2014 14:00:04 Martin Lorenz wrote:
> As far as I understand libqt5core5a ist backward compatible with
> libqt5core5, so shoulden't libqt5core5a have a "Provides" tag stating the
> backwart compatibility?

As Pino said, they are not ABI compatible. If you have packages not provided 
by Debian you will need to recompile it (or request their maintainers to do 

libqt5core5a is API compatible, so this should be a simple task or rebuilding 

Kinds regards, Lisandro.

"With great power comes great responsibility."
  Peter Parker's uncle.

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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