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Bug#737420: kmix: When reducing/ muting and then increasing again overall sound settings, banshee stays muted

Hi Maximiliano,

So having restarted, the mystery deepens.

1) immediately after restarting the kmix icon in the systemtray didn't appear, and then appeared (with a blank icon) saying mixer not found.

2) However when I opened banshee a slider for banshee appeared - but no general slider. At this point I tried using keyboard shortcuts to change the sound and it worked as it should. i.e. i could mute and unmute banshee/ control the volume with that shortcut. However, there was no general slider as I mentioned.

3) I then tested opening another program - guayadeque - to test it with two sound sources. At this point, the keyboard shortcut ceased to control banshee, but instead controlled guayadeque's sound slider. i.e, at this point I can mute sound and banshee still plays fine!

When I close guayadeque, banshee starts working again with the shortcuts, as before.

Any thoughts??


Attachment: kmixer
Description: PNG image

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