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Bug#735405: ktimer doesn't write ktimerrc

Control: tags -1 + unreproducible

In article <20140115075728.32637.95165.reportbug__5024.19059998846$1389772834$gmane$org@localhost> you wrote:
> Package: ktimer
> Version: 4:4.11.3-1
> Severity: normal

> I am unable to save jobs, ie the jobs list is empty when I start ktimer and changes to ktimerrc can be made only by hand.

> As I see no save buttons around how job management is supposed to work?

I can't reproduce the issue here.

After adding a job from the ui and setting the command the configuration file
gets written.

Maybe there a syntax error in your configuration file and that might be the
reason why its not being overwritten. Try to rename your

"If a million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
-- France's Rule of Folly
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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