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Bug#731041: plasma-widgets-workspace: device notifier reacts to inserted removable medias only after action on it.

reassign 731041 udisks2

udisks2 maintainers: the following bug seems to generate from udisks2, as KDE 
relies on it for device discovery.

As the submitter commented, this might be related to #725978, feel free to 
merge/reassign as appropriate.

Eric: thanks for the triaging, I have now reassigned the bug to udisks2.

On Monday 02 December 2013 13:17:06 Eric Lavarde wrote:
> Hello,
> I did the tests and that was interesting:
> On 02/12/13 08:10, Eric Lavarde wrote:
> >> - did you try this using different users accounts? (special bonus if
> >> you try
> >> in a newly created one).
> > 
> > Other users: yes. New user, no, but I'll do together with the below tests
> > and come back to you.
> Other (new) user: exactly same behavior.
> >> - run "udisksctl monitor" and then plug one of the devices you
> >> mentioned in
> >> your bug. Please attach the output.
> That was the interesting bit: I did this, and udisksctl showed the same
> behaviour: the SD-card "appeared" only after I had executed file -s on
> it (though it would appear in dmesg), and the same thing for
> disappearing by the way (which I didn't notice before).
> Output is attached as udisksctl.monitor.log and contains also my
> comments in the form "=== COMMENT ===" so that you have the correct time
> sequence of events.
> Interestingly enough, I tried a few more things with 2 USB sticks
> (captured in udisksctl.stick.monitor.log):
> - a USB3/partitioned with FAT and ext4 stick behaves normally.
> - a USB2/ISO partitioned stick doesn't appear at all in KDE, even when
> using the magic 'file -s' command.
> >> - send the output of "dpkg -l udisks2"
> $ dpkg -l udisks2
> Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold
> Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
> |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
> |
> ||/ Name           Version      Architecture Description
> +++-==============-============-============-===============================
> == ii  udisks2        2.1.1-1      amd64        D-BUS service to access and
> manip
> >> Please note that I'm just asking the normal questions as I could find
> >> for this
> >> issue on the web, I'm not familiar with how KDE does handle this
> >> things.
> > 
> > That's the point, everything outside of KDE (dmesg, pmount) looks the same
> > as before to me, only KDE behaves strange. And GIMF as well 😊
> OK, now I'm a bit confused, if it's a udisks2 or KDE issue, or some of
> both... It could be related to
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=725978 which shows a
> very similar behavior. The kernel parameter given at the end helps
> indeed, but the USB stick with ISO filesystem still doesn't appear.
> Perhaps two different issues, but no time left for further tests, I'll
> come back later.
> Any further idea welcome,
> Eric

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