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Bug#725161: libqt5qml-quickcontrols: ApplicationWindow: module "QtQuick.Layouts" is not installed

> Quick.Controls contains ApplicationWindow.
> But when trying to use it, an error appears:
> file:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Controls/ApplicationWindow.qml:44:1:
> module "QtQuick.Layouts" is not installed 
>      import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0 
> Indeed, under /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/QtQuick there really
> is no Layouts subfolder.

Once again I answer my own question!

layouts are provided by qtdeclarative5-quicklayouts-plugin

The nomenclature seems inconsistent, qtdeclarative5-quicklayouts-plugin
on the one hand, libqt5qml-quickcontrols on the other.

qtdeclarative5-quicklayouts-plugin does depend on
libqt5qml-quickcontrols, but in my case, using
Quick.Controls.ApplicationWindow, the dependency goes in the other
direction.  I couldn't see anything in
qtdeclarative5-quicklayouts-plugin which depends on Quick.Controls.


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