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Bug#717338: Questions

> Yep, I found this bug before submitting mine. But re-adding the feeder
> doesn't help.
> I tried the debugger a few days ago, but it flooded me with text. I don't
> know much about the correct behaviour of nepomuk/akonadi, so I
> would appreciate a hint for search. I will give it a try on weekend and
> post if I  can identify any (for me) special output.

The akonadiconsole was a long-shot.

I can only occasionally figure out what its doing. 

I managed to find nepomukpimindexerutility and was able to run it without 
getting an error. 

>From your log messages, the line that seems wrong is the "SQLErrorDirect 
failed on query 'sparql delete...'. The only place I can find code that looks 
like it generates that delete query is at: 


That led me to wonder about the nepomuk configuration.

I found a ~/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk/repository/main/data/virtuosobackend 
directory that has a soprano-virtuoso.log file. That might have something 

There's also ~/.kde/share/config/nepomukserverrc

for me one of the more useful sections is:

[main Settings]
Maximum memory=50
Storage Dir[$e]=$HOME/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk/repository/main/
Used Soprano Backend=virtuosobackend

There are other supposedly other soprano backends, but I think everything but 
virtuoso is supposed to be currently broken.

Out of curiosity, does this command work? Its a simple count of RDF objects 
IDs virtuoso.

sopranocmd --socket `kde4-config --path socket`nepomuk-socket --model main \
           --nrl query 'select count(?s) where { ?s ?p ?o }'

For me after running that I get:
callret-0 -> "1205164"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int>
Total results: 1
Execution time: 00:00:00.194

kmail2 works by letting akonadi manage resources and nepomuk index data. 
Nepomuk uses soprano as an interface to the RDF data format. soprano is 
storing data in a virtuoso database. 

Akonadi is also storing data (by default) in a mysql database hidden in 

To me it seems like your error message is implying some configuration 
information isn't being set up correctly for the delete query.


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