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Qt5: Private headers not installed by still referenced in cmake files

Hi all,

While compiling sigil, I noticed that for some Qt5 modules the private 
headers are not installed but are still referenced in the .cmake files.

For instance, for libqt5webkit5-dev, when compiling sigil I have this error:

  CMake Error at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-
    gnu/cmake/Qt5WebKit/Qt5WebKitConfig.cmake:15 (message):
  The imported target "Qt5::WebKit" references the file


  but this file does not exist.  Possible reasons include:

The private headers are not installed (this is specified in the changelog) 
but the Qt5WebKitConfig.cmake still has:


If I remove these lines, the error disappears. To compile sigil, I had to 
"correct" these .cmake files: Qt5QmlConfig.cmake, Qt5QuickConfig.cmake, 
Qt5WebKitWidgetsConfig.cmake, Qt5WebKitConfig.cmake.

Should I report bugs on the corresponding packages?



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