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Bug#690291: Amarok randomly stops playing sound when song automatically changes using phonon-backend-gstreamer

I just tried to remove gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly (and had to install gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 to make phonon able to play mp3 files again) : no change, Amarok just stops on the same songs (the bug is not so random as I first thought, see below).

I'll send you a full report of Amarok's debug output but for now, I noticed that it stops everytime it tried to play an ogg file after one or several mp3 files. It didn't stop between several ogg files, or several mp3 files, or if it played an mp3 file after an ogg file.

After noticing that, I inserted other file types in the same playlist (flac and wma - I have no aac). Here are my findings :

- a flac file is played correctly after an mp3 file
- Amarok stopped if it tried to play an ogg file after a flac file, or a flac file after an ogg file

(note that at this point, I had to reinstall gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly to play wma files)

- a wma file is played correctly after an mp3 file or an ogg file
- Amarok stopped if it tried to play an ogg file after a wma file

So, at least with the dozen files I made my tests with, the problem really occurs only if Amarok tries to play an ogg file after any other type of file, or some types of file after on ogg file (mp3, flac, but not wma).

I briefly tried bangarang, and it had similar problems, but with flac files this time. I need to test it further to give you precise results like the ones about Amarok.

With these new clues, it's obvious that this bugreport should at least be renamed.


Raphaël HALIMI

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