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Bug#656380: mangling fixes for ppc64


(2012-01-22 22:20 +0100), Pino Toscano wrote:
Alle mercoledì 18 gennaio 2012, Pino Toscano ha scritto:
However, we need also to fix the information about symbols mangling
on ppc64 in our symbols helpers (part of pkg-kde-tools), so I've
cloned this bug for pkg-kde-tools; will followup on that bug further
(simple) instructions on how to provide them.

So, attached there is a small source, which you should compile (making
sure to have libqt4-dev installed):
$ g++ -Wno-long-long-g3 -O0 -DWITH_QT -I/usr/include/qt4 \
   -o manglingtest manglingtest.cpp
and then
$ readelf -a manglingtest | grep _type
please attach the output of this last readelf command.

Here is test result.
    57: 00000000100112e8    48 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   24 _Z14f_int64_t_typel
    58: 0000000010011348    48 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   24 _Z12f_qreal_typed
    63: 00000000100112b8    48 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   24 _Z13f_size_t_typem
    66: 0000000010011330    48 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   24 _Z15f_quintptr_typey
    73: 0000000010011318    48 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   24 _Z15f_qptrdiff_typex
    74: 00000000100112d0    48 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   24 _Z14f_ssize_t_typel
    77: 0000000010011300    48 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   24 _Z15f_uint64_t_typem

Hiroyuki Yamamoto
A75D B285 7050 4BF9 AEDA  91AC 3A10 59C6 5203 04DC
    57: 00000000100112e8    48 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   24 _Z14f_int64_t_typel
    58: 0000000010011348    48 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   24 _Z12f_qreal_typed
    63: 00000000100112b8    48 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   24 _Z13f_size_t_typem
    66: 0000000010011330    48 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   24 _Z15f_quintptr_typey
    73: 0000000010011318    48 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   24 _Z15f_qptrdiff_typex
    74: 00000000100112d0    48 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   24 _Z14f_ssize_t_typel
    77: 0000000010011300    48 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   24 _Z15f_uint64_t_typem

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