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Re: eigen3 packages

On Thursday 24 March 2011 15:50:48 Anton Gladky wrote:
> Dear QT and KDE maintainers,
> I have prepared the package for the new release 3.0 of mathematical
> library eigen.
> I have based it on the previous eigen2 release. What has been done:
>   * Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format
>   * DEP-5 for copyright file
>   * Added watch file
>   * Added doc-base file
>   * Added upstream Changelog file from their website
> lintian -IE --pedantic gives warnings on absent ITP-bug (I will add
> this bug, when somebody will review this package),
> and one warning about .hg-files in the source tarball.
> I would be glad if somebody review and upload the package:

Hi Anton! As far as I understand, eigen is maintained under the Qt/KDE team 
umbrella. Would you like to join us maintaining this package?

If so, please read http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org and join us on IRC, 
#debian-qt-kde on OFTC.

Some details I find in your package. Please take into account that I'm just a 
DM, not a DD, so I may slip some errors here. Of course, none of them 
intentional ;-)

 - debian/copyright: the lines "The text of licenses see above" it's not 
natural english. Except I am missing some DEP-5 rule, let me suggest you to 
use something like: "See above for the text of this license."

 - debian/compat says 6. Have you done the packaging in al old system? Also 
the Build-Depends field has an old debhelper compat field (>= 6). Possibly 
some other fields have the same problem.

 - You are not a DD, so you can't list yourself in the debian/control's 
Uploaders field.

 - On building the package, all the tests fail. I'm running Sid on AMD64.

 - in add-upstream-changelog.patch it says: "This patch adds an artificial 
changelog". What's an artificial changelog for you? If you mean that you 
created the Changelog from an upstream's webpage, it would be better to 
clarify it saying so. If it is another thing, it clearly needs to get 
clarified too ;-)
 - We are switching away from cdbs [0]. You can keep the current rules file as 
it is for now, or try to do it the new way.

[0] <http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-kde-talk/2011-

 - You are adding some white spaces at the end of some lines in 

Kinds regards, Lisandro.

Antiguo proverbio de El Machi:
"Dado el apropiado grado de profundidad,
 la ineptitud es indistinguible del sabotaje"

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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