Bug#618038: Typos in package description
Package: krita
Version: 1:2.3.1-3
Severity: minor
User: ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com
Usertags: origin-ubuntu natty
I noticed an error in the English text of description of krita. The original text is:
Krita is different from other graphics design programs in that it has pluggable brush engines, some supporting brush resources like Gimp brush files, and other offering sophisticated simulation of real brushes, and others again offering deforming your image or mixing colors.
After the second comma the word 'other' should be others, also the sentence does not have a very good flow. Better would be:
Krita is different from other graphics design programs in that it has pluggable brush engines, some supporting brush resources like Gimp brush files, others offering sophisticated simulation of real brushes, and again others offering deformation of images and color mixing.
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