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Bug#584905: "plasma-netbook not auto-starting on a fresh install" isn't fixed

Sorry, but it seems that the bug "plasma-netbook not auto-starting on a fresh install" isn't fixed:
Yesterday I've installed a fresh Squeeze from http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/weekly-builds/i386/iso-dvd/ (20-Sep-2010 06:12).

Packages during installation:
Desktop environment

after the first boot
aptitude install kde-plasma-netbook

Reboot and first login with KDM shows me the KDE-Splash, the first four Icons glows up and after this I see a black screen with mouse-courser. I have to open a command line with ALT + F2, type and send "plasma-netbook" and kde-plasma-netbook starts. But autostart for kde-plasma-netbook don't work, tried a lot of times.

Would you please re-check the meta-package kde-plasma-netbook?

If you need more Information about my installation, I subscribed this bug-list, just let me know.

Many thanks!

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