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Message about "Nepomuk desktop needs Virtuoso"....since 4.4.3 upgrade

(not subscribed, please CC)

Hello KDE maintainers,

This would better deserve a bug report, but:
-I have no idea what package to assign it to
-It might very well have been reported.

So, as I know you're usually very responsive, I prefer asking in the
ML first...

Since the 4.4.3 upgrade, I get a mysterious message when opening my
KDE session:

"Le bureau sémantique Népomuk a besoin du serveur Virtuoso RDF pour
enregistrer ses données. L'installation du module Virtuoso S????? est
obligatoire pour utiliser Népomuk".

(the third line of the message is cut in the notification window)

This roughly translates to "The Nepomuk semantic desktop needs the
Virtuoso RDF server to store its data. Installing the Virtuoso S?????
module is mandatory for the use of Nepomuk."

I suspect a missing dependency for this mysterious "nepomuk" thing on
some virtuoso-* packages

PS: the translation of the message might be improved apparently:
Apparently "Nepomuk" is a codename for a KDE component and translating
this with a French accent is weird: this is not the common use when
trnalsating codenames. Also, I have no damn idea what is a "bureau


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