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Bug#535324: kaddressbook: I want an addressbook client, not a mysql server

Kevin Krammer wrote:
> On Wednesday, 2009-07-01, Simone Piccardi wrote:
>> Package: kaddressbook
>> Version: 4:4.2.4-1
>> Severity: normal
>> Don't know why but installing kaddressbook install also mysql-server.
>> That's absurd because I just need an address book client.
> MySQL is currently a dependeny of the Akonadi server, which KAddressbook 
> indirectly depends on through the Akonadi based addressbook plugin.
That's the problem, then...

What I do not understand is why a client should be depend on the
installation of the corresponding server. It seems to like requiring to
install apache to run firefox.

Kaddressbook was (what is now in not so clear) a client giving a
graphical interface to some address book management technologies. It
still connect to an LDAP server (that's my use case) without requiring
to install slapd.

So I cannot understand why the dependency on the akonadi plugin is
forced on all of us. It should be possible to put this in a separate
package, avoiding it if the  user dos'nt need that.

Simone Piccardi                                 Truelite Srl
piccardi@truelite.it (email/jabber)             Via Monferrato, 6
Tel. +39-347-1032433                            50142 Firenze
http://www.truelite.it  Tel. +39-055-7879597    Fax. +39-055-7333336

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