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Bug#534166: Components are missing

Needed components are missing, specially kcmkttsd.


    The KDE Text-to-Speech Deamon, a non-gui application that runs in
    the background, providing TTS support to KDE applications.
    Applications initiate TTS by making DCOP calls to kttsd.
    An application for configuring the KTTS System and for managing
    in-progress speech jobs. kttsmgr provides an icon in the system tray
    for performing these functions as needed.
    A KPart for managing in-progress speech jobs.
    A KControl module for configuring the KTTS System. kcmkttsd runs in
    the KDE Control Center or start it with the command "kcmshell kcmkttsd".
    A plugin for the KDE Advanced Text Editor that permits you to speak
    an entire text file or any portion of a file.
    A plugin for Konqueror that permits you to speak all or any portion
    of an HTML web page.

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