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Bug#513400: marked as done (kde-icons-oxygen: file conflict with koffice-data in experimental)

reopen 513400

> Subject:
> Re: Bug#513400: kde-icons-oxygen: file conflict with koffice-data in
> experimental
> From:
> Ana Guerrero <ana@debian.org>

>> while installing kde 4.2, I got an error "trying to overwrite  
>> /usr/share/icons/oxygen/16x16/actions/object-order-front.png, which is  
>> also in package koffice-data". This means kde 4.2 and koffice 1.9 are  
>> uninstallable alongside each other.
> This is a problem in koffice no in kde-icons-oxygen. Current koffice version
> was uploaded for KDE 4.1.4 and it does not work right with KDE 4.2.0 besides
> shipping some icons that were not provided in earlier versions of
> kde-icons-oxygen but are in KDE 4.2. An update of koffice is on its way.
> I am closing the bug instead of reassign because it is faster for me :)

Hm, that's not quite the right way to handle such a bug.
You should add versioned conflicts/replaces against koffice-data in
kde-icons-oxygen to ensure a proper upgrade path.
And it is indeed a problem in kde-icons-oxygen.


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