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Bug#494296: rosegarden: Uninstallable in Sid

peter green wrote:
Rosegarden is uninstallable, at least on my Sid system. I get the following error message when running apt-get install rosegarden:

The following packages have unmet dependencies.
 rosegarden: Depends: kdebase-bin but it is not going to be installed
E: Broken packages

I tried and failed to reproduce this so I suspect it was just a transiant issue (transiant uninstallability is normal in sid, it is only if it goes on for some time that it is worth a bug report).

If you can still reproduce it could you try adding the packages it says won't be installed to the install command line
until you get a more usefull error message out of apt?

Yes that did the trick. I don't know why I didn't think of that... I think it is related the fact that I had KDE4 innstalled and thought that I had uninstalled all of it. But I had only uninstalled the KDE4 packages that didn't have the same names as KDE3 packages. Running apt-get install rosegarden kdebase-bin made apt uninstall a lot of other KDE4 packages :-) So now everything works fine, thanks for your help.

Best regards,
Torquil Sørensen

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