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Bug#397263: Same bug here

I have been running a very old version of etch. Always updated with dselect, 
no aptitude. Now it is in sync with the stable etch. But the bug is present 
yet.  Steps to fix the system by hand:

# kcmshell --list
    No list the modules!!!.

# dpkg -i /home/davi/Desktop/kdebase-data_3.5.5a.dfsg.1-6_all.deb
    No solve the problem.

# ls -l /etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 408 2004-04-01 18:04 kde-multimedia-music.menu

# mkdir aaa
# dpkg -x /home/davi/Desktop/kdebase-data_3.5.5a.dfsg.1-6_all.deb aaa/
# cp 
aaa/etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged/kde-essential.menu /etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged/

# ls -l /etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 813 2007-04-10 23:19 kde-essential.menu
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 408 2004-04-01 18:04 kde-multimedia-music.menu

# kcmshell --list
kbuildsycoca running...
The following modules are available:
background             - Change the background settings
colors                 - Color settings
fonts                  - Font settings
kcmgtk                 - Control the style and fonts used by GTK applications
icons                  - Customize KDE Icons
kcmlaunch              - Choose application-launch feedback style
screensaver            - Screen Saver Settings
ksplashthememgr        - Manager for Splash Screen Themes
style                  - Allows the manipulation of widget behavior and 
changing the Style for KDE
kthememanager          - Manage global KDE visual themes
kwindecoration         - Configure the look and feel of window titles
desktopbehavior        - You can configure how the desktop behaves here
desktop                - You can configure how many virtual desktops there 
panel                  - Configure the arrangement of the panel
kcmtaskbar             - Configure the panel taskbar
kwinoptions            - Configure the window behavior
kwinrules              - Configure settings specifically for a window
khtml_filter           - Configure Konqueror AdBlocK filters
useragent              - Configure the way Konqueror reports itself
cache                  - Configure web cache settings
kcmcgi                 - Configure the CGI KIO slave
cookies                - Configure the way cookies work
khtml_fonts            - Configure the fonts used on web pages
kcmhistory             - Configure the history sidebar
khtml_java_js          - Configure the behavior of Java and JavaScript
khtml_plugins          - Configure the browser plugins
kcmcss                 - Configure the stylesheets used to render web pages
khtml_behavior         - Configure the browser behavior
ebrowsing              - Configure enhanced browsing
netpref                - Configure generic network preferences, like timeout 
kcmkrfb                - Configure Desktop Sharing
lanbrowser             - Setup lisa, reslisa and the ioslaves
kcmdonkey              - MLDonkey integration setup
kcm_knemo              - Monitor network interfaces
kcm_knetworkconfmodule - Configure Network Settings
proxy                  - Configure the proxy servers used
kcm_kdnssd             - Configure service discovery
kcmwifi                - Set up your wireless LAN
componentchooser       - Choose the default components for various services
filetypes              - Configure file associations
filebrowser            - You can configure Konqueror's file manager mode here
kcmperformance         - Configure settings that can improve KDE performance
kresources             - Configure KDE Resources
kcmkded                - System Services Configuration
kcmsmserver            - Configure the session manager and logout settings
spellchecking          - Configure the spell checker
kamera                 - Configure Kamera
display                - Display Settings
joystick               - joystick - a kcontrol module to test joysticks
keyboard               - Keyboard settings
displayconfig          - Display and Monitor Configuration
mouse                  - Mouse settings
printers               - Printing system configuration (printers, jobs, 
classes, ...)
kcmlirc                - Configure your remote controls for use with 
media                  - Configure Storage Media
laptop                 - Laptop Battery
kcmaccess              - Improve accessibility for disabled persons
language               - Language, numeric, and time settings for your 
particular region
khotkeys               - Configure Hotkey settings
keyboard_layout        - Keyboard Layout
keys                   - Configuration of keybindings
kcmkttsd               - Text-to-Speech Control Module
crypto                 - Configure SSL, manage certificates, and other 
cryptography settings
kwalletconfig          - KDE Wallet Configuration
kcm_useraccount        - User information such as password, name and email
privacy                - Privacy - a kcontrol module to clean unwanted traces 
the user leaves on the system
audiocd                - Audiocd IO Slave Configuration
arts                   - Sound System Configuration
bell                   - System Bell Configuration
kcmnotify              - System Notification Configuration
clock                  - Date and time settings
mountconfig            - Disk & Filesystem Configuration
kcmfontinst            - Install & preview fonts
thinkpad               - Configure the KDE Interface to the IBM Thinkpad 
Special Controls
kcmkmrml               - Configuration for using the GNU Image Finding Tool
kdm                    - Configure the login manager (KDM)
desktoppath            - Change the location important files are stored
kvaio                  - Configure the KDE Interface to the Sony Programmable 
Interrupt Controller Driver
serviceconfig          - System Service Configuration
userconfig             - Users & Groups Administration
wineconfig             - Wine Configuration

Now kcontrol work. Thanks God!.

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