--- Begin Message ---
- To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
- Subject: arts: Sound server fatal error: cpu overload, aborting
- From: Ross Boylan <ross@biostat.ucsf.edu>
- Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 15:11:25 -0800
- Message-id: <E1ArPzR-0000Y6-72@iron.libaux.ucsf.edu>
Package: arts
Version: 1.1.5-2
Severity: normal
A few seconds after KDE starts up I get a pop up window with "Error
-artsmess" visible on the title bar (I assume it's artsmessage, but I
can't resize it to see).
The error is
"Sound server fatal error:
cpu overload, aborting"
Despite this warning, I still have at least some sound: I hear sounds
when I open and close windows, for example. However, the "Test Sound"
button on the KDE Control Center/Sound System/aRTS tab is greyed out.
If I set the Sound I/O method to non and then restart it with
autodetect, I get the CPU overload popup again.
This problem could well be with another package (e.g., alsa), but I'm
filing this here because that's where I see the symptoms. I posted a
question about this to debian-user
a couple of weeks ago. My only response has been from someone saying
they have the same problem.
Some clues:
The problem started coincident with upgrading to a new kernel (2.4.24,
Debianized) with a new alsa-source (1.0.1-1). I also patches for
evms, device-mapper, i2c, and lm-sensors.
I'm not sure exactly which version I had before, but here are some
*excerpts* of recent changelog entries in alsa-driver that seem notable:
alsa-lib (1.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream release (closes: #228102).
+ NOTE! This version includes source incompatibility with previous
versions. We tested a great many packages and filed bugs, but you may
want to check your own package too if it Build-Depends: on
libasound2-dev. The change is briefly documented at
* David B Harris:
+ Bump libasound2.shlibs to this release (>> 1.0.0) as a new
symbol (snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_voices)
+ Install "NOTES" file as documentation in libasound2-dev, which documents
the recent source-incompatible change
-- Jordi Mallach <jordi@debian.org> Mon, 26 Jan 2004 14:18:06 +0100
[note this was from libasound2]
alsa-driver (0.9.8-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Steve Kowalik:
- Drop debconf question about loading OSS compatibility modules. We now
perform auto-detection during boot-up. (Closes: #222350)
alsa-driver (0.9.8-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Steve Kowalik:
- Patch #16: New; compile core/oss/snd-pcm-oss.c with
-fno-omit-frame-pointer. (Closes: #195837, #199991, #201700)
I recall reading on debian-kde there were some issues with alsa
support, but I can't find that now. In the past it's worked fine,
though it may have been using the OSS compatibility layer.
I have a dual-processor Athlon system. Using devfs.
The problem has persisted as I've upgraded from the Debianized
(testing/unstable) KDE packages from 3.1.4 to 3.1.5. I just rebooted
to be sure I was using the new stuff.
-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux iron 2.4.24advncd #1 SMP Fri Jan 30 14:30:34 PST 2004 i686
Versions of packages arts depends on:
ii libarts1 1.1.5-2 aRts Sound system
ii libartsc0 1.1.5-2 aRts Sound system C support librar
-- no debconf information
Here are my current KDE versions:
# dpkg -l '*kde*' | grep ii
ii kde-core 3.1.1 The K Desktop Environment (Core)
ii kdeaddons 3.1.3-1 add-on plugins and applets provided with KDE
ii kdeaddons-kfil 3.1.3-1 KDE file dialog plugins for text files and f
ii kdeadmin 3.1.5-1 KDE Administration tools metapackage
ii kdeadmin-kfile 3.1.5-1 KDE File dialog plugins for deb and rpm file
ii kdeartwork 3.1.5-2 themes, styles and more from the official KD
ii kdeartwork-mis 3.1.5-2 various multimedia goodies released with KDE
ii kdeartwork-sty 3.1.5-2 widget styles released with KDE
ii kdeartwork-the 3.1.5-2 icon themes released with KDE
ii kdeartwork-the 3.1.5-2 window decoration themes released with KDE
ii kdebase 3.1.3-1 KDE Base metapackage
ii kdebase-bin 3.1.3-1 KDE Base (binaries)
ii kdebase-data 3.1.3-1 KDE Base (shared data)
ii kdebase-kio-pl 3.1.3-1 KDE I/O Slaves
ii kdegames 3.1.4-1 KDE Games metapackage
ii kdegames-card- 3.1.4-1 Card decks for KDE games
ii kdegraphics 3.1.4-1 KDE Graphics metapackage
ii kdegraphics-kf 3.1.4-1 provide meta information for graphic files
ii kdelibs 3.1.5-1 KDE core libraries metapackage
ii kdelibs-bin 3.1.5-1 KDE core binaries
ii kdelibs-data 3.1.5-1 KDE core shared data
ii kdelibs4 3.1.5-1 KDE core libraries
ii kdemultimedia 3.1.2-1 KDE Multimedia metapackage
ii kdemultimedia- 3.1.2-1 au/avi/m3u/mp3/ogg/wav plugins for kfile
ii kdemultimedia- 3.1.2-1 Support for browsing audio CDs under Konquer
ii kdenetwork 3.1.4-1 KDE Network metapackage
ii kdenetwork-kfi 3.1.4-1 KFile Email Plugin
ii kdepasswd 3.1.5-1 KDE password changer
ii kdepim 3.1.4-1 KDE Personal Information Management metapack
ii kdepim-kfile-p 3.1.4-1 KDE File dialog plugins for vcf files.
ii kdepim-libs 3.1.4-1 KDE PIM libraries
ii kdeprint 3.1.3-1 KDE Print
ii kdesktop 3.1.3-1 KDE Desktop
ii kdessh 3.1.5-1 KDE ssh frontend
ii kdewallpapers 3.1.5-2 wallpapers released with KDE
ii libkdeedu1 3.1.5-2 library for use with KDE educational apps
ii libkdegames1 3.1.4-1 KDE games library and common files
ii libkdenetwork2 3.1.4-1 KDE Network (common libraries)
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I'm closing this bug.
You can fill a bug about KDE yourself by using KDE Bug Tracking System at
With the links at the top of the page you can:
- Query the bug database to check if someone already reported a
problem similar to yours
- Report a new bug (you may have to create a login account to do so)
2007/5/18, Ross Boylan <ross@biostat.ucsf.edu>:
On Fri, 2007-05-11 at 10:31 -0400, Olivier Vitrat wrote:
> Hi,
> The Debian Qt/KDE team is trying to update the bug status of some old
> bugs in the BTS, and I'm helping with this task.
> Some time ago, you've reported bug number 232466 "arts: Sound server
> fatal error: cpu overload, aborting" to Debian's Bug Tracking System.
> You can read the bug report at:
> http://bugs.debian.org/232466
> We are sorry if nobody responded when you filed the bug, KDE has
> gotten more bugs in the past years than the maintainers could handle.
> The team is trying to fix this now, but we need your help. So please
> respond to this mail and tell us if:
> - you are still experiencing this bug (adding in what version)
No. I'm using the stock 2.6.18 kernel (k7 variety) right now. I do not
get the CPU overload, even when I select OSS as my sound system. I can
play the test sound from the control center.
The test sound doesn't sound great, but that's probably a separate
issue. It's a bit odd: the problem seems to be only with the KDE login
sound, which also plays when I hit test sound. It starts OK, but then
ends up all distorted, sort of like the sound speakers make when they
are pushed past the volume they can handle. I get this on 2 different
systems, with different hardware (soundblaster vs Intel m/b making the
sound). Is it possible the sound is recorded improperly?
But I'm wandering. I would appreciate any advice about where might be
an appropriate place to file that bug about the KDE test/login sound.
> - the bug was already fixed (if known, in which version),
I don't know what.
> - or if you have extra information on how reproduce this bug.
I think this bug is OK to close.
> Thank you for your cooperation!
> Olivier Vitrat
> helper for the Debian Qt/KDE team
Thank you for following up on the bugs.
Ross Boylan wk: (415) 514-8146
185 Berry St #5700 ross@biostat.ucsf.edu
Dept of Epidemiology and Biostatistics fax: (415) 514-8150
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 94107-1739 hm: (415) 550-1062
--- End Message ---