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Bug#406203: krita displays a black image instead of the expected 16-bit integer/channel ppm image

[As it may be a Debian-related issue, I repost here what I wrote on

Arnaud wrote:

> I noticed a strange behaviour while opening a 16-bit integer/channel
> Portable Pixmap Image, created and saved with krita.

Ok, I may I found something

If I understand correctly, krita use graphicsmagick to load the ppm file.
The problem is that Debian's graphicsmagick is *not* compiled with 16-bit

I did the following tests (with a 128x128 16-bit white square) :
$ gm identify white.ppm
white.ppm PNM 128x128+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 96.0k 0.010u 0:01
$ gm display white.ppm --> display a black square.

I then rebuilt graphicsmagick with the --with-quantum-depth=16 option. After
that :
$ gm identify white.ppm
white.ppm PPM 128x128+0+0 DirectClass 16-bit 96.0k 0.000u 0:01
$ gm display white.ppm --> display a *white* square.

I also tried top open it with krita, but it fails :
$ krita white.ppm
Magick: No decode delegate for this image format ().

What do you guys think ? Can somebody confirm this and make it work with
krita ?
Should I fill a bug against Debian graphicsmagick to ask for a 16-bit
support at compile time ?


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