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Qwt5 and Qwtplot3d

   Now I think I am finished with the Qwt5 and Qwtplot3d packages. Is there 
anyone willing to upload them for me? Now lintian does not report any errors 
and all the example programs do work for both qt3 and qt4.
   The libraries do have a postfix according to the Qt version -qt3 or -qt4 
like the libavahi libraries. The library packages can coexist with libqwt4c2 
version 4 so I did not include its changelog file although it is the same 
software, I look at it as a new package. 
   I did install chroot environment on my computer but made the mistake of 
making it amd64 instead of i386 so I do only have amd64 binaries on my 
server. The other thing is that I did not get the gpg working in the chroot 
environment for some reason so the source files are not signed. Well nobody 
has my public key so that should not be a problem.
   The packages can be found at
deb http://mc2-m038.mc2.chalmers.se/~gudjon/debian/ amd64/
deb-src http://mc2-m038.mc2.chalmers.se/~gudjon/debian/ source/


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