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Bug#328479: About your bug: "xbase-clients: X11 unsets LD_LIBRARY_PATH" on the Debian BTS

On 11.01.07 21:26:18, Ana Guerrero wrote:
> You filed the bug
>  #328479 "xbase-clients: X11 unsets LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
> some time ago, you can read the bug report at:
> http://bugs.debian.org/328479
> We are sorry if nobody responded when you filed the bug, KDE has gotten more bugs
> in the past years than the maintainers could handle. We are trying to fix this now,
> but we need your help. So please respond to this mail and tell us if:
> - you are still experiencing this bug (adding in what version)

Yes, current unstable which is kdm 4:3.5.5a.dfsg.1-5.

To clarify, I have set up LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/jni which is needed
for some java programs to properly work in .bash_profile in $HOME. When
starting KDE via startkde from a tty its still set inside KDE's konsole
shell. However when logging in via kdm LD_LIBRARY_PATH is unset via some
"part". This would be understandable if any of the programs involved is
setuid, but at least kdm and startkde are not and I'm not aware of any
other programs that are involved here.

So the question is why is LD_LIBRARY_PATH unset?


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