Bug#403491: Most kde applications hang or are too slow in starting up
tags 403491 +moreinfo
On Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 08:50:33PM +0530, Sudharshan S wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Package: kde
> Version: 3.5.5
> Severity: important
> Most KDE apps hang..KDE startup hangs when "Initializing System
> Services"
> Konsole works just fine. Heres a list of some important apps.
> The whole KDE Desktop,
> Konqueror
> Amarok
> K3b
> Kwrite
> Kdevelop and so on.
> Please note that the above apps either dont start or startup after a
> long time. In some cases after more than 30 minutes.
> Heres something strange with konqeror. It starts just fine but when i
> visit any folder or website it hangs. When I run the apps through
> konsole I am not getting any errors.
> Other DEs work just fine. FYI, I am using E17. I hope the info provided
> is sufficient.
AFAIK, E17 is not packaged in Debian, are you using external repositories?
This sounds like the cause of the problem.
Could you provide more information about this? If you start direclty
KDE does it work fine?
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