debian-qt-kde Feb 2006 by thread
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Bug#344377: steve.ttf packaging Daniel Schepler
Processing of kdepim_3.5.1-1_i386.changes Archive Administrator
kdepim_3.5.1-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
Processing of kdeedu_3.5.1-1_i386.changes Archive Administrator
Bug#348644: marked as done (kdeedu: kalzium/klettres/kstars fail to install/upgrade because binary-only upload conflicts with -data packages) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#348687: marked as done (Wrong dependencies: kalzium vs. kalzium-data in unstable) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#348690: marked as done (Wrong dependencies: klettres vs. klettres-data in unstable) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#348692: marked as done (Wrong dependencies: kstarts vs. kstars-data in unstable) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#350297: marked as done (kdeedu-doc-html: ships obsolete doc-base file for kmessedwords) Debian Bug Tracking System
kdeedu_3.5.1-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
Bug#351029: kmail: crashes on startup David Schmitt
Processing of koffice_1.4.90.2-1_i386.changes Archive Administrator
koffice_1.4.90.2-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
Bug#351055: keduca: slow as hell between each question when "randomize answers" is activated Mathieu Roy
Bug#351062: keduca: always save as "compacted" unless we use "save as" Mathieu Roy
Bug#351063: keduca: shows questions and answers before the counter starts Mathieu Roy
Bug#311740: marked as done (poedit, kbabel, gtranslator should be in the same place in the menu) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#347903: marked as done (May it be possible to install both kdesdk and kdesvn?) Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing of kdesdk_3.5.1-1_i386.changes Archive Administrator
kdesdk_3.5.1-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
Processing of kdewebdev_3.5.1-1_i386.changes Archive Administrator
Re: inspect Boyce Clair
kdewebdev override disparity Debian Installer
kdewebdev_3.5.1-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
Bug#347369: Acknowledgement (kmail shows strange characters overlayed over email text) Ph. Marek
Bug#347369: kmail shows strange characters overlayed over email text Ph. Marek
Bug#305481: Patch for knode brokenly forcing followups Nick Leverton
Bug#351252: kicker crash for no obvious reason Rémi Denis-Courmont
Bug#348531: kdesktop: same problem, update didn't help James Umbanhowar
Bug#351292: "Ctrl+D" is a duplicated shortcut key by default installation Liu Mars
Bug#287796: marked as done (kalzium: new version doesn't have molecular weight calculator (operations->calculate)) Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: your mail Debian Bug Tracking System
Re: sleep Cox Lindsey
Bug#351508: kpresenter: Crashes when opening a .ppt file from with the program Scott
Bug#342110: kde does not like utf-8@euro locales Olivier Trichet
Processed: 312537 forwarded upstream Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#315124: marked as done (kgpg ignores Autostart setting and starts up automatically in KDE) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#351535: kdebase-kio-plugins: konqueror can't load media:/sda1 upon usb drive mount Christopher J Peikert
extragear/multimedia/kmplayer Koos Vriezen
Processed: Close Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#351581: kdelirc: Add a configuration option for not accepting command when in screenlock mode Jesus Climent
Bug#351598: kdelibs-bin: kded crashes on startup due to lack of avahi Paul Sandulescu
Bug#311494: marked as done (kdelibs-bin: kded seems to crash without error.) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#351607: kmix panel applet has duplicate entries for some mixer controls Andrew Pilley
Bug#351610: kdelibs-bin: no manpage for cupsdoprint Filipus Klutiero
King of Pharrmacy Lh Micheal Galvan
kdelibs_3.3.2-6.4_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
Processing of kdegames_3.5.1-1_i386.changes Archive Administrator
Bug#346018: konqueror crashes when using the integrated kaffeine (upgraded) Grégoire Druant
kdegames_3.5.1-1_i386.changes is NEW Debian Installer
Bug#351637: kicker 4:3.5.1 crashes signal 6 (SEGABRT) on logoff or exit Daniel R. Gilliam
Re: tote Foley Eli
Re: present Mohr Gerardo
Bug#351665: kopete: Bubble notification stops working intermittently Sukant Hajra
Re: appoint Rubio Ahmed
Bug#328559: devices:/ doesn't work: "Protocol not supported" EmIScA
Bug#351721: kpovmodeler: fails on height field + smooth Greg Kochanski
Processing of kdelibs_3.5.1-2_i386.changes Archive Administrator
Bug#350266: marked as done (kicker: Kicker(Public File Server Applet) crashes SIGABRT due to newly added avahi support) Debian Bug Tracking System
kdelibs_3.5.1-2_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
kdelibs override disparity Debian Installer
Bug#327395: man page for kpersonalizer Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier
Re: KDE 3.5.0 final packages now on alioth cr@zy (sent by
Bug#351749: quanta: Quanta crashes immediately after saving document with Ctrl-S Ferenczi Viktor
Bug#351776: crash while leaving configuration window Alexander Voss
Bug#351780: kdelibs-data: wrong SVG source for cdrom_umount.png Eduard Bloch
Processing of kdegraphics_3.5.1-2_i386.changes Archive Administrator
kdegraphics_3.5.1-2_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
Processed: l10n tagging Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#351868: kopete: modal 'Authorise Jabber User' dialog Michael Deegan
Bug#351930: libqt4-sql: program segfaults on connection to MySQL pat
Bug#351927: please delete this bug Patrick Aljord
Bug#351927: marked as done (libqt4-sql: program segfaults on connection to MySQL ) Debian Bug Tracking System
Re: crouch Bowman Clair
Fast Mover, Big Winner CTKR! preserve roseanne Donoghue
Bug#351979: kwin: kwin crashes on system shutdown Grégoire Druant
Processing of kdeutils_3.5.1-2_i386.changes Archive Administrator
kdeutils_3.5.1-2_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
kdeutils override disparity Debian Installer
Bug#276587: marked as done (superkaramba depends on libgtk1.2 (via xmms)) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#347928: marked as done (kcalc: hex numbers calculation is not correct) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#350589: marked as done (Superkaramba shouldn't depend on XMMS) Debian Bug Tracking System
オンナのコは甘いのが大スキ♪ info
Bug#350773: not reproducible Isaac Clerencia
Processed: severity of 350773 is normal Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: tagging 350773 Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#342457: kicker: kicker crashes on system shutdown Grégoire Druant
Bug#349017: marked as done (kaudiocreator: Ripping broken (since the KDE 3.5 transition?)) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#352086: libkjsembed-dev: depends on /usr/lib/ which no longer exists in debian Vaclav Juza
Bug#349316: Confirmed in kaddressbook-3.5.1-1 Georg Wittenburg
Bug#352138: kaudiocreator does not update task number Romain Beauxis
Bug#351930: bug solved in Qt4.1.1 Patrick Aljord
Bug#340375: Subject: kuser destroys all passwords if /etc/shadow isn't present Christopher Martin
Bug#352223: konqueror: crashes while opening image files Rohan Dhruva
Bug#352241: kicker 'embedded' icons jump to the top of the screen at startup Jan De Luyck
Bug#352279: kmail: "Mark as read" toolbar button does not work when selecting multiple mails Ferenczi Viktor
Bug#342813: konsole crashes at kde exit Edward C. Jones
Bug#352279: Invalid, please close this report Létező
playground/artwork Gerd Fleischer
Bug#350773: Steps to reproduce #350773 Rémi Denis-Courmont
Bug#352406: qt-x11-free: Build-depens on firebird2-dev, but not on libfirebird2-classic Szo
Bug#352409: libqt3-mt: "rubberband.diff" breaks kimdaba Szo
Bug#327706: marked as done (kdesdk: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD: outdated libtool) Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: tagging 326060, bug 326060 is forwarded to Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: bug 326060 is forwarded to Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#329902: marked as done (poxml: dependencies are becoming rediculous) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#283250: marked as done (url in konqueror shouldn't use the defined external browser) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#200008: Is this really suitable? Filipus Klutiero
Bug#293495: klinkstatus: unable to reproduce here (3.5.1-1) Jorge Salamero Sanz
Bug#352488: klinkstatus segfaults with recursively > 2 Jorge Salamero Sanz
playground Peter Rockai
Bug#352545: kdegames - FTBFS: Builds pie binaries Bastian Blank
Bug#342163: marked as done (kdeartwork-emoticons: files under kdeartwork-3.4.3/emoticons/YazooSmileys22 fail DFSG #1) Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: setting package to kappfinder kate kcontrol kdebase kdebase-bin kdebase-data kdebase-dbg kdebase-dev kdebase-doc kdebase-doc-html kdebase-kio-plugins kdepasswd kdeprint kdesktop kdm kfind khelpcenter kicker klipper kmenuedit konqueror konqueror-nsplugins konsole kpager kpersonalizer ksmserver ksplash ksysguard ksysguardd ktip kwin libkonq4 libkonq4-dev ... ... Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#348459: Workaround Konrad Dąbrowski
Bug#352619: FTBFS: undefined reference to `XF86VidModeQueryVersion' Paul Brook
Bug#253634: could you describe the problem again, using sarge's konsole? Pierre HABOUZIT
Bug#337958: marked as done (konqueror: Konqueror can't display files and folders with SFTP, FTP or fish protocol) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#143689: kdebase: No 'at' sign in swissgerman keyboard (PowerMac G3) Pierre HABOUZIT
Bug#180604: konqueror: Konqueror converts '%7E' in local file name to '~' -> file not found Pierre HABOUZIT
Bug#338756: konqueror: reproducable crash on specific url Pierre HABOUZIT
Processed: setting package to kappfinder kate kcontrol kdebase kdebase-bin kdebase-data kdebase-dbg kdebase-dev kdebase-doc kdebase-doc-html kdebase-kio-plugins kdepasswd kdeprint kdesktop kdm kfind khelpcenter kicker klipper kmenuedit konqueror konqueror-nsplugins konsole kpager kpersonalizer ksmserver ksplash ksysguard ksysguardd ktip kwin libkonq4 libkonq4-dev ... Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#184612: problems with fonts Pierre HABOUZIT
Processed: severity of 261159 is wishlist Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#215368: marked as done (konsole: Bell does not sound) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#319862: marked as done (KNode: After posting an Article the Mouse-Pointer is not switched back to a pointer) Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: setting package to libwv2-1c2 libwv2-dev wv2, tagging 329109 Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#342977: marked as done (Package explicitely build-depends on g++-3.4) Debian Bug Tracking System
Re: Fixed in upload of kdetoys 4:3.5.0-2 to experimental Pierre HABOUZIT
Bug#283958: kworldclock: time for St. Louis in north america wrong Pierre HABOUZIT
Bug#342989: marked as done (Package explicitely build-depends on g++-3.4) Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: Merging related bug reports about kmail data loss with dIMAP Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#349316: kaddressbook problems known upstream Christopher Martin
Bug#337297: libqt4-dev: qmake-qt4 - i think there is a real link problem Sylvain Bernier
Bug#352619: Lowering severity - kdegraphics builds fine for me... Christopher Martin
Bug#352747: Configuration window is extremally wide Artur R. Czechowski
Bug#351535: Kde mount problem with hal Waldo Cancino
Re: restriction Holley Kristi
Processed: Er, still seems to block Etch, which it shouldn't, since it's not a regression Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#351535: problem with newer hal/udev Jason Winzenried
Processed: OK, let's try setting the tag "etch" (learning as I go here...) Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: Re: Processed: OK, let's try setting the tag "etch" (learning as I go here...) Debian Bug Tracking System
Re: news Suzanne Daw
Bug#348531: kdesktop: confirm align to grid no-op Chris Howie
playground/base/guidance/debian Jonathan Riddell
kdenetwork 4:3.5.1-2 MIGRATED to testing Debian testing watch
strength physique Jeanette Whaley
Bug#353089: kdvi does not display eps images Itai Seggev
Bug#353120: vimpart: please correct package description wrt KDevelop Ivan Kohler
Bug#353122: vimpart: fails to work; tries to use non-existant "--caption" option Ivan Kohler
Bug#353160: kopete: Errors in .xsession-errors "MNG error 1029: Chunk out of sequence; chunk TERM; subcode 0:0" Sumit Madan
Bug#353171: dist-upgrade of unstable will remove kdebase Moshe Yudkowsky
Bug#308603: marked as done (kdebase: [KDE 3.4] disk led keep blicking since 3.4 installation) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#332222: marked as done (kdelibs4c2: kde constantly polls my harddrive) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#353199: Konqueror visualization problems José Salavert Torres
Bug#353205: korganizer: Dragging event is changing its duration Jan Pekar
Bug#302424: ksysguardd doesn't start automatically Tomas Pospisek
Bug#351535: KDE mount problem Waldo Cancino
Bug#353225: knetworkconf: no confirmation asked when leaving with changes not saved Filipus Klutiero
Bug#353270: ktip Martin
Processed: Re: Bug#353270: ktip Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#353321: knetworkconf: conflict with old gnome-system-tools Marc Glisse
Bug#353344: umbrello: please allow switch-to-arrow after object creation martin f krafft
Bug#305905: cannot reproduce in 3.5.1-1 martin f krafft
Bug#353347: umbrello: crashes on delete martin f krafft
Bug#353349: umbrello: please allow multiline labels martin f krafft
Bug#353352: umbrello: huge fork/join symbol martin f krafft
Bug#353354: kdelibs-bin: Communication problem between kded and avahi Valerio Passini
Processed: won't fix Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: Various Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: retitle 353321 to File conflict with system-tools-backends-dev/old gnome-system-tools Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#340375: kuser corrupted my system: how to restore? housecomputers32
kdegraphics 4:3.5.1-2 MIGRATED to testing Debian testing watch
Bug#317319: marked as done (kde: KDE can't be installed on sid because of broken dependences of libkonq4) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#340986: marked as done (Can not apt-get install kde: unmet dependencies.) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#341840: marked as done (kde non si installa) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#353496: misses a dependency on kdeaccessibility Filipus Klutiero
Bug#353497: kde-extras: shouldn't recommend brahms, kcd, konq-speaker, kvlc Filipus Klutiero
Bug#353507: kcontrol: kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: /usr/lib/kde3/ undefined symbol: init_kdnssd Robert August Vincent II
Re: begin Crowley Heidi
Bug#353561: akregator: Some articles cause Akregator to crash Sukant Hajra
Bug#353565: fails to start kdeinit, missing symbol in libXft martin f krafft
kdegames_3.5.1-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
Processed: reassign 353565 to, reassign 2 to, merging 350113 353565 Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#353576: infinite recursion in filesystem martin f krafft
Bug#353582: kalzium: Typo in origin of silver's name. Margarita Manterola
Bug#353583: kontact: undefined symbol: FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden Georg Wittenburg
Processed: Merging bugs Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing of kdeaddons_3.5.1-1_i386.changes Archive Administrator
Processed: Another xft/freetype problem Debian Bug Tracking System
kdeaddons_3.5.1-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
Processing of kdeadmin_3.5.1-2_i386.changes Archive Administrator
Bug#353601: akregator: Articles always opened in foreground Raúl Sánchez Siles
kdeadmin_3.5.1-2_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
Looking to improve performance in the bedroom? Antone Mcmahon
Bug#353700: libarts1c2a: "Bad page state at free_hot_cold_page" message with kernel 2.6.15-1-k7 Carl Castanier
Bug#353722: kde 3.5.1 at login says: could not start kdeinit. check your installation Frank Sauer
Processed: cleaning up Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#353740: kdelibs-bin: kdeinit not starting Andrew Maier
Bug#189553: kdesktop_lock crash and prevents kde session from locking Raúl Sánchez Siles
Bug#353762: kmail: KMail freezes it's GUI when sending/receiving mail Ferenczi Viktor
Bug#353806: broken pipe during aptitude dist-upgrade from stable to sid Amadan Korvin
Bug#353814: kdelibs-bin: meinproc is relicensing my code Ben Burton
Bug#315392: Suggest closing or degrading Adam Porter
Bug#349316: In 3.5.1, patch posted Adam Porter
Bug#353831: kdm: KDM tries to start XServer on XServer-less system Erhard Schultchen
Bug#353845: ark fails to open valid gzipped tar archives Massimo Manghi
Bug#353856: konqueror's cache mix up with phpldapadmin Yann Forget
Bug#353740: same bug Coulon Jérémy
kdeutils 4:3.5.1-2 MIGRATED to testing Debian testing watch
Bug#353922: kdepim FTBFS on alpha Christopher Martin
Bug#353923: kdm modifies /etc/kde3/kdm/backgroundrc Bob Billson
Bug#353940: kdm: will no longer start (using Xvnc, "errno 97") Erik Anderson
Bug#353814: Forwarded meinproc bug Ben Burton
Bug#353958: kpdf: Save the cached file(when on network) instead of downloading it again. Raúl Sánchez Siles
Bug#354003: kdm: selecting next boot entry has no effect Michael Biebl
Bug#354004: kdm: suspend and hibernate options on logout Michael Biebl
Bug#354029: kmail: Crash on 'New Message' -- "KMail got signal 11 (Crashing)" A. Costa
Bug#354031: kmilo is deprecated Alexandre Pereira Nunes
Processed: severity of 354031 is normal Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#353922: Bug #353922: kdepim FTBFS on alpha Falk Hueffner
Bug#354070: kmail: Tries to acces localized IMAP groupware folder name Christian Hammers
Bug#354073: ktalkd always says the user is not logged in even when it is. Seff Sergio Felicio Fragoso
Bug#354100: kdebase-bin: Some keys insert bad characters in KDE applications Braun Gabor
Bug#354122: Juk program fails Daniel Andrada
Bug#268213: marked as done (kdelibs4-dev: overwrite conflicts with kdepim-dev) Debian Bug Tracking System
question about kde handling of usb key insertion Ernest jw ter Kuile
Processing of qt-x11-free_3.3.5-4_i386.changes Archive Administrator
Bug#347377: marked as done (qt-x11-free and immodule patch) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#347392: marked as done (libqt3-mt: Possible stack overflow by recursion in QListViewItemIterator::operator++()) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#350725: marked as done (Please upgrade build depends to libmysqlclient15-dev) Debian Bug Tracking System
qt-x11-free_3.3.5-4_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
Bug#354185: kmail: bug in /usr/bin/ script Peter Van Eynde
Bug#287661: marked as done (libkdeedu-dev should includes libkdeedu headers) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#343841: Bug already known by Kalzium developers Pino Toscano
Processed: reopening 353582 Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: tagging 353582 Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: bug 343841 is forwarded to Debian Bug Tracking System
debian zeroconf group? Joey Hess
Bug#354266: libqt4-gui: Error loading MNG file(s) Paul Telford
Bug#351607: Patch for minor bug in kmix panel applet Andrew 'ashridah' Pilley
Bug#354382: kmail (crypto-module openpgp) cannot decrypt messages Thomas Kreft
Bug#354382: found workaround Thomas Kreft
Bug#292524: kopete: same problem with up to date version Frederik Schwarzer
playground/artwork/kwin-decor-suse2 Gerd Fleischer
Bug#326592: more information Ulrich Eckhardt
Re: imagination Joyner Tracy
Bug#354487: Metapackage says kruler can measure mm and inches sdsd
Bug#303531: More Information Ladd Epp
Bug#353806: possible patch for pipe conflict Adam Black
Bug#354522: panel configurations lost in KDE upgrade from sarge to sid Adam Black
Re: Bug#354523: xserver-xorg: .bashrc can cause Xsession error on login Eugene Konev
Bug#272276: looking for someone? Jaime
Bug#354594: quanta: Unnecessary dialog box when inserting an already-existing file into a project Ferenczi Viktor
Bug#342549: Forwarded Jiří Paleček
Bug#354658: kmail: kmail segfaults when changing language Grégoire Druant
Bug#194248: getting to know you Robt
Bug#347251: Confirmaiton. Tobias Rundström
Bug#348039: bug fixed Grégoire Druant
Bug#337238: marked as done (kate crashes when opening file) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#323976: marked as done (kate shows a string which contains the homepath of the ?maintainer? in the konsole) Debian Bug Tracking System
The last update was on 20:57 GMT Tue Jun 04. There are 342 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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