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kde-applications.menu and associated problems

Hi folks,

it seems that the whole XDG menu handling is not as easy as I thought.
Fixing the spec violation (kde-applications-merged) but keeping 
kde-applications.menu opened a new problem (#397057)

Basically it is triggered by this

The problem is that the internal code assumes that the base part of the 
filename, i.e. without the .menu extension, is also the prefix for 
the "-merged" directory.

It is based on the idea that there is only one applications.menu and the 
option for desktop specific menu prefixes, e.g. "kde-" for 
kde-applications.menu, has only been introduced recently and is thus not yet 
supported by KDE.

The attached patch implements the handling of this new prefix environment 
variable and Waldo Bastian, the core developer who implemented the menu spec 
thinks it is acceptable, so I am going to commit it to KDE.

However this is new code and thus not tested very well.

A couple of options:

1) check if applications.menu can be shared with the other desktops. This 
would obviously be optimal, because it does not require to change any DE's 

2) apply the attached patch (or sync with upstream once I have committed) and 
reverted the above mentioned kdelibs patch. This also requires 
XDG_MENU_PREFIX to be set to "kde-", which could be done in /usr/bin/startkde 
or through an environment extender in /usr/env
Since supporting this variable is a new thing, a variant of this would be to 
hardcode the string to "kde-", i.e. not do getenv(), or maybe just for the 
version of Etch
+   QString xdgMenuPrefix = "kde-"; 

3) keep the current code and install a symlink from kde-applcations-merged to 

4) revert to the behavior where KDE has kde-applications-merged. This breaks 
the installing of third party menus (#392807), so it could be a problem for 
LSB (not sure if this version of LSB covers this already)


Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
Index: vfolder_menu.cpp
--- vfolder_menu.cpp	(Revision 603088)
+++ vfolder_menu.cpp	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -772,9 +772,29 @@
       return QString::null;
-   QString baseName = QDir::cleanDirPath(m_docInfo.baseDir + fileName);
-   QString result = locate("xdgconf-menu", baseName);
+   QString result;
+   QString xdgMenuPrefix = QString::fromLocal8Bit(getenv("XDG_MENU_PREFIX"));
+   if (!xdgMenuPrefix.isEmpty())
+   {
+      QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName);
+      QString fileNameOnly = fileInfo.fileName();
+      if (!fileNameOnly.startsWith(xdgMenuPrefix))
+         fileNameOnly = xdgMenuPrefix + fileNameOnly;
+      QString baseName = QDir::cleanDirPath(m_docInfo.baseDir +
+                                            fileInfo.dirPath() + "/" +
+                                            fileNameOnly);
+      result = locate("xdgconf-menu", baseName);
+   }
+   if (result.isEmpty())
+   {
+       QString baseName = QDir::cleanDirPath(m_docInfo.baseDir + fileName);
+       result = locate("xdgconf-menu", baseName);
+   }
    return result;

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