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Bug#289468: strace shows strange font XFLD


I'm experiencing Karsten's problem on all of my machines. This is indeed very 
ugly (though easily worked around). 

The font that is actually displayed in konsole is file
I wrote a small test program, based on the konsole font selection code, 
without having much clue:

#include <qfont.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <cstdio>

int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
        QApplication app(argc, argv, true);
        QFont f;
        QFontInfo fi(f);
        printf("fam: s, pxlSz: %d, ptSz: %d, italic: %d, weight: %d\n",
                        fi.pixelSize(), fi.pointSize(),
                        fi.italic(), fi.weight() );
        printf("bold: %d, fixedPitch: %d\n", fi.bold(), fi.fixedPitch() );
        printf("Qt Fontstring is: %s\n", f.toString().latin1() );
        printf("XLFD is: %s\n", f.rawName().latin1() );
        return 0;

Then, I straced this one and up came: 
open("/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/12x13ja.pcf.gz", O_RDONLY) = 7

Which is something like

(this avgWdth-120 variant is suited for Japanese display, 
while its avgWdth-70 or -80 variants would indeed make good default
konsole fonts)

I'm also not sure whether I grok everything in the 
void Konsole::setFont(int fontno); method (konsole.cpp, 3.3.1, line 1752).

Can anyone help? (probably an upstream problem?)


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