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CVS commit by vriezen: 

Compile kgstplayer only with gst >= 0.8.6
Retry release 0.8.4-rc4

Also 'fix' an KURL problem, I can't find a workable way for
  KURL u (doc_url, KURL::fromPathOrURL (entry_string).url ());
where doc_url can be local or not and entry_string can be relative or not,
problem is with file containing a # in relative paths. Why KURL behaves 
like a web-server is beyond me (one day I probably get "Welcome home Koos"
when calling KURL("file:/home/?name=koos").prettyName() :))

In KProcess' signal processExited() handler, process->isRunning() still
return true. This makes jumping to the next url problematic, because it 
first kills a running processes (indirectly in its processExited event)

  M +2 -2      configure.in.in   1.36
  M +13 -1     debian/changelog   1.9
  M +11 -5     src/kmplayerpartbase.cpp   1.124
  M +1 -1      src/kmplayerpartbase.h   1.45
  M +34 -23    src/kmplayerprocess.cpp   1.105
  M +1 -1      src/kmplayersource.h   1.44

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