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Bug#1043043: UDD patches: marks Forwarded as invalid if not 'no', 'not-needed', 'yes' or URL

Package: qa.debian.org
Severity: normal
User: qa.debian.org@packages.debian.org
Usertags: udd


When using https://udd.debian.org/patches.cgi, I notice that whenever
the Forwarded field contains anything other than "no", "not-needed",
"yes" or an URL, it gets marked as invalid.

That includes cases where it begins with "yes", but is complemented with
other data, as can be seen by contrasting a search on Debian Sources
about those packages [1] with their respective patch metadata status on

In its current form, patches.cgi marks as invalid patches that include
useful information on the Forwarded field, such as the mail address to
which the patch was forwarded, when upstream doesn't have a public
mailing list archive or a web pull/merge request tracker, for example.

According to DEP-3 [2], if the Forwarded field is present, any other
value other than "no" or "not-needed" should be considered valid:

  Any value other than "no" or "not-needed" means that the patch has
  been forwarded upstream. Ideally the value is an URL proving that it
  has been forwarded and where one can find more information about its
  inclusion status.

As such, I think it would be interesting to either propose changes to
DEP-3 or to adhere more closely to it.


[1] https://codesearch.debian.net/search?q=file%3Adebian%2Fpatches%2F*.patch+Forwarded%3A+yes+.%2B&literal=0
[2] https://dep-team.pages.debian.net/deps/dep3/

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