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about shell scripts having X>&Y in place of X&>Y


Following the recent case of #1032122 (chkrootkit: bad redirection
creating file '1'?) and previously #1030120 (ipmiutil: cron script is
creating file /root/1), I tried using Debian CodeSearch to look for
other possible wrong cases like those and here is for instance a list
of candidates to check:
(including surprising cases related to linux_6.1.12)

So what do I do next? Check each case and for each true one, fill a bug?
Are there tools to check shell scripts that could be used to
detect/prevent/notify on this?

But moreover using the CodeSearch form, it is not easy using the literal search.
For instance 2&>1 gives some result whereas &>1 does not. Is there a
bug or does such a query go beyond some limit?


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