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debian/upstream/metadata: next steps

Hi Charles, Andreas,

DEP-12 appears to have been stalled for a while in the draft phase; I'd be keen
to see if it can be moved forward - and would really appreciate any suggestions
on how to help do so.


It looks like there are already close to 5000 debian/upstream/metadata files in
the archive at this point. There are specific fields that appear much more
frequently than others:

       key        | count 
 Repository        |  5483
 Bug-Database      |  5164
 Repository-Browse |  5035
 Bug-Submit        |  3989
 Archive           |  3253
 Name              |  1830
 Contact           |  1554
 Changelog         |   439
 Documentation     |    65
 ASCL-Id           |    65
 FAQ               |    49
 Registration      |    47
 Screenshots       |    40
 Cite-As           |    38
 Other-References  |    36
 Donation          |    26
 Webservice        |    16
 Gallery           |    16
 Security-Contact  |    15
 Funding           |     8
 CPE               |     5

(this data comes from UDD from a month or two ago so it excludes more complex
fields like the Reference field, of which there are close to 1000 instances
according to codesearch.debian.net).

Use Cases

One of the things that I was curious about is the intended audience for
https://wiki.debian.org/UpstreamMetadata, as well as the relationship to
other control files. I know why I am personally interested in some of these fields
- e.g. using the Bug-Database to build tools to cross-check the Debian BTS and
the upstream BTS for bugs that exist in both or Repository to e.g. cross-check
whether patches have made it in upstream.

The three kinds of control files that I can think of are:

 * debian/control
 * DEP-11 (appstream)
 * DEP-12 (upstream-metadata)

(are there any other relevant files? what about DOAP?)

My guess is that their distinction and use case is something like this:

 * debian/control: Debian-specific /package/ metadata, intended for developers (and their tools) and power users (i.e. not people using gnome-software)
 * DEP-11: /application/ metadata for end-users (i.e. people using gnome-software)
 * DEP-12: non-Debian-specific /package/ metadata

Is that a reasonable interpretation?

There are some existing fields that don't really follow match those

* the field with the upstream metadata "Homepage" lives in
  debian/control and rather than DEP-12. 
* as discussed previously, Contact and Name live in debian/copyright rather
  than debian/upstream/metadata

Next Steps

Would it make sense to standardize the current proposal as DEP-12, perhaps with
a limited set of uncontroversial and widely used fields?



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