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a tiny contribution to Debian QA work?

Dear QA Team,

I hope to address here an interesting point otherwise sorry for the noise.
You may already have a (better) way to track this but... where?
(I did not see something related in the long list of the Debian QA Group's Wiki)
Also I hope to not offend any maintainer work providing a list such a way and
nothing is published on the Internet.

As a companion for instance to the Debian Trends and the Debian Janitor, here is
a small prototype/proposal to facilitate going through a list of packages that
have passed a packaging expiration date in some way. To be more precise, it
shows the list of packages that have not be uploaded into sid (a parameter?) for
more than 3 years (another parameter?). Some extra information like the number
of packages owned by its maintainer are shown if it may be helpful to filter, to
determine how to proceed (if needed surely), as a single or a group of packages,
the number of open bugs, etc. 

To help anyone to see more clearly, here are joined:
1. a small HTML5 page (requiring CSS and Javascript),
2. and a script to generate its data as a JSON file (using a UDD query).

It could be also better to have something integrated into another component and
not to grow the list of the QA related links that does not content Trends nor
Janitor! :-)


Title: DebiAntiq

DebiAntiq - The Debian Antiquities

Some «old» packages in unstable

The packages in the table have not been uploaded for at least 3 years.

The data file is obtained from the Ultimate Debian Database using a SQL query to its public mirror.

Package Bugs Popcon Maintainer
Name Version Date VCS all RC Insts Vote Name Owns

Attachment: data.sh
Description: application/shellscript

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