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Debian Uploader in DDPO Question

QA Team:

I have a (hopefully) easy question for you: When I hover over my package versions on DDPO [1] it shows "... (Uploader: owojnar@suddenlinkmail.com)". Do you know why it's displaying that email address? That's an address I haven't used in years, I don't have access to it anymore, and I've removed it from my developer key. I've searched all over the Debian sites and wikis to figure out why that address is popping up but I can't figure it out.

I thought it might fix itself when my key was updated a few weeks ago but I'm still seeing the issue with the cyphesis-cpp package I subsequently uploaded.

From looking through the source code [2], to my untrained eye it seems like the problem may be on line 38:
if ($changedby !~ /<$uploader_localpart\@/) { # assume matching local part implies same person

but if I'm reading that correctly that means only DDs whose username is the same as the username of their forwarding email would match. Would it be more robust here to check against all email addresses listed on their developer key? (If so, I'm happy to submit a patch since I know a little SQL. I would appreciate if someone could point me to some information on the tables involved though. I've pored through [3] and [4] and I haven't been able to figure out where user GPG key info is stored.)

Do you have any insights or recommendations on what an OCD DD can do to fix this? ;) Thanks in advance!


[1] https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=olek+wojnar&comaint=yes
[2] https://salsa.debian.org/qa/qa/blob/master/data/ddpo/extract_uploads.pl
[3] https://udd.debian.org/schema/udd.html
[4] https://salsa.debian.org/qa/udd/blob/master/sql/udd-schema.sql

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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