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Debian package release date for stable, testing and unstable


I am doing a security related university thesis about software vulnerability windows: I need to track the release date of Linux packages to determine the time to fix for security issues from their disclosure. For what concerns Debian distro, I am interested in when a certain package version is uploaded to "stable", "testing" and "unstable" branches.

I found the debian tracker site (https://tracker.debian.org) and the "news" section seems to have what I need, however they are in a not easy to parse format. I also found distro-tracker (https://salsa.debian.org/qa/distro-tracker) and I am wondering if in the repo there is:
  • an utility with a search function (like the debian tracker site one) 
  • a way to parse the data I need for the specified package

Asking for more info on #debian IRC channel they suggested looking in UDD, but querying the tables "sources", "migrations" and "upload_history" I retrieved less informations than the ones showed in the "news" section cited above.

Am I missing something? Or what I am searching for is somewhere else?

Lastly I noticed that the distro tracker API web documentation for modules might not be uploaded correctly, since it does not show the methods/functions they offer (e.g. https://qa.pages.debian.net/distro-tracker/api/distro_tracker.core.html#retrieve-data-module). If so, it's ok if I report it on gitlab issues?

Thanks in advance,
Giacomo Venturini

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