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[UDD] Missing descriptions for some packages


I realised that UDD is lacking some descriptions and long_descriptions for
some packages.  For instance for abacas I get:

udd=# SELECT DISTINCT p.package, p.release, p.version, en.description AS description_en FROM packages p LEFT JOIN descriptions en ON en.language = 'en' AND en.package = p.package AND en.release = p.release  AND en.description_md5 = p.description_md5 WHERE p.package = 'abacas' ;
 package |     release     | version |                        description_en                         
 abacas  | buster          | 1.3.1-3 | Algorithm Based Automatic Contiguation of Assembled Sequences
 abacas  | jessie          | 1.3.1-2 | Algorithm Based Automatic Contiguation of Assembled Sequences
 abacas  | jessie-kfreebsd | 1.3.1-2 | Algorithm Based Automatic Contiguation of Assembled Sequences
 abacas  | sid             | 1.3.1-4 | 
 abacas  | stretch         | 1.3.1-3 | Algorithm Based Automatic Contiguation of Assembled Sequences
 abacas  | wheezy          | 1.3.1-1 | Algorithm Based Automatic Contiguation of Assembled Sequences
(6 Zeilen)

There are more examples you can find when for instance seeking on the
med-bio tasks page


when seeking for the string '???',  I checked the UDD importer
udd/ddtp_gatherer.py  but there are no chances.  Does anybody have an
idea what else might be wrong and causes data loss?

Kind regards



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