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Bug#833623: tracker.d.o: add multiarch hints

Hi Paul,

On Sun, 07 Aug 2016, Paul Wise wrote:
> I've attached a patch to implement adding multiarch hints to
> tracker.d.o. These multiarch hints are aimed at improving Debian's
> multiarch support by adding multiarch metadata and fixing file
> conflicts. The service providing them is run by Helmut Grohne.

Has this been tested?

Because I have reasons to believe that it doesn't work:

> +class MultiArchHintsTask(BaseTask):
> +    ACTIONS_WEB = 'https://wiki.debian.org/MultiArch/Hints'
> +    ACTIONS_URL = 'https://dedup.debian.net/static/multiarch-hints.yaml'
> +    ACTION_ITEM_TYPE_NAME = 'debian-multiarch-hints'
> +    ACTION_ITEM_TEMPLATE = 'debian/multiarch-hints.html'
> +    ACTION_ITEM_DESCRIPTION = '<a href="{link}">Multiarch hinter</a> reports {count} issue(s)'
> +
> +    def __init__(self, force_update=False, *args, **kwargs):
> +        super(MultiArchHintsTask, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
> +        self.force_update = force_update
> +        self.action_item_type = ActionItemType.objects.create_or_update(
> +            type_name=self.ACTION_ITEM_TYPE_NAME,
> +            full_description_template=self.ACTION_ITEM_TEMPLATE)
> +        self.SEVERITIES = {}
> +        for value, name in ActionItem.SEVERITIES:
> +            self.SEVERITIES[name] = value

A function transforming severity name into severity value should really be
implemented as class method in ActionItem directly (and it should have
proper unit tests).

> +    def get_data(self):
> +        return get_resource_content(self.ACTIONS_URL)
> +
> +    def get_packages(self):
> +        data = self.get_data()
> +        data = yaml.safe_load(data)

I would move the yaml parsing in get_data()

> +        format = data['multiarch-hints-1.0']

That's the part that I would expect to fail with a KeyError. Here you
really want to check that data['format'] is equal to

> +        data = data['hints']
> +        packages = {}
> +        for item in data:
> +            if 'source' not in item:
> +                continue
> +            package = item['source']

> +            if package not in packages:
> +                packages[package] = {}

That kind of initialization code can be avoided by defining packages as a

> +            wishlist = ActionItem.SEVERITY_WISHLIST
> +            severity = self.SEVERITIES.get(item['severity'], wishlist)
> +            packages[package]['severity'] = max(severity, hints[package].get('severity', wishlist))

> +            if 'hints' not in packages[package]:
> +                packages[package]['hints'] = []
> +            packages[package]['hints'].append((item['description'], item['link']))

packages[package].setdefault('hints', []).append(...)

> +        return packages
> +
> +    def update_action_item(self, package, severity, description, extra_data):
> +        action_item = package.get_action_item_for_type(self.action_item_type.type_name)
> +        if action_item is None:
> +            action_item = ActionItem(
> +                package=package,
> +                item_type=self.action_item_type)
> +        action_item.severity = severity
> +        action_item.short_description = description
> +        action_item.extra_data = extra_data
> +        action_item.save()
> +
> +    def execute(self):
> +        packages = self.get_packages()
> +        if packages is None:
> +            return

I don't think that your code can ever return "None" in get_packages()...

> +        with transaction.atomic():
> +            for name, data in packages.items():
> +                try:
> +                    package = SourcePackageName.objects.get(name=name)
> +                except SourcePackageName.DoesNotExist:
> +                    continue
> +
> +                description = ACTION_ITEM_DESCRIPTION.format(count=len(data['hints']), link=self.ACTIONS_WEB)
> +                self.update_action_item(package, severity, description, data['hints'])

The "severity" variable does not exist here, I assume you wanted to use
data['severity'] instead.

> +            ActionItem.objects.delete_obsolete_items([self.action_item_type], packages.keys())

I obviously dislike the lack of unit tests but I would have merged it
anyway if it's known to be working. But I don't think that this is the case

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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