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IRC meeting to plan further team maintenace of jenkins.debian.(net|org)


(please excuse me bcc:ing you. It means I think you are interested
in this Debian jenkins thing… as such, also apologies if I haven't
bcc:ed you ;)

As already discussed briefly some times on IRC, I believe it would be
good to have an IRC meeting about the future maintenance of

As for the date I would like to suggest Wednesday, August 24th, 18 UTC.
If that works for everyone who likes to attend, great! If it doesn't
work for you, please reply privately to me until Sunday, August, 11th,
0 UTC (aka Saturday night!) and I will setup a doodle poll covering
dates between the 24th and the 31st of August.

Regarding the topics I'd suggest the following, please add yours to
https://wiki.debian.org/Services/jenkins.debian.net where I've put up
this agenda as well:

 * next steps for the jenkins.debian.org migration
 * how to move to more team maintenance 
 * finding a schedule for (bi-)monthly irc meetings
 * any other business (AOB)

Please also subscribe to qa-jenkins-dev@lists.alioth.debian.org if you
are interested in this topic and haven't already. There shall be no
further bcc:s sent.


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