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Bug#781459: udd: please provide dumps more often


On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 06:42:20PM +0200, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> > <lucas>   mapreri: yes, but it would also be useful to switch to another dump
> >           format

(as abre minimum enhancement xz compression would be sensible)

> - udd-bugs.sql.xz, with only the bugs data (both archived and
>   unarchived -- Andreas Tille was the main user of that -- is this still
>   needed?)

While I'm using it in a daily cron job I have the impression that this
method is a bit weak and bugs get lost (for whatever reason - I had no
time to track this down).  Since I'm using it on a testing host anyway a
monthly (may be weekly) sync with full UDD might be more sensible than
sticking to this method.  So if it helps we could drop udd-bugs.sql.xz.
Please ping me before you remove it, thanks.

> 1) what is the rationale for the public UDD mirror. Is there a way this
>    could be provided from Debian infrastructure, for example by
>    whitelisting specific hosts that need UDD access? Is there something
>    here that could be acceptable for DSA (Cced)?

My mirror is to develop and test new features.
> 2) what is the rationale for the more frequent dumps. It's currently
>    being dumped once a day. It's never going to be "in sync" with the
>    live instance, unfortunately.

I could live with a daily dump

> 3) Would dumps in "custom format" (pg_dump -Fc) work for you? they allow
>    parallel restore with pg_restore.

I see no reason why this should not work.

> 4) Could some tables be excluded from the dumps?

Hmmm, I'd prefer a full dump (except of the data you consider private).

Kind regards



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