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Is there interest in people gathering for DebCamp15 with an idea of
setting up something like lava.debian.net to cover these areas:

Ideas and use cases for lava.debian.org (initially lava.debian.net) to
act as a frontend to developer-based LAVA dispatchers behind NAT
connections. (This part of the LAVA package is currently being designed
and will be backported to Jessie once ready.)

Debian Installer test parallelisation on x86 and ARM - utilise support
from FAI to completely automate testing of DI, possibly including
support for video capture cards (where hardware is available).

Hacking sessions on hard-to-obtain hardware - not on Debian developer
units due to firewall considerations. Access for community members is
possible but a better, more flexible access method is in consideration.
Some of the harder-to-obtain hardware is also access-restricted due to
TrustZone / export restrictions, so only nominated DDs would be allowed
access but could run tests on behalf of others. This would be in
addition to porter box access and can include machines which are not
available as porter boxes.

server-client testing of Debian software - set up two Debian boxes on
available hardware, test that server package X works with client
package Y, including when server package X is not installed on the
client machine or when iptables etc. are tweaked to deliberately
interfere with the connection to server X.

Multi-package system level testing - piuparts for software stacks, not
just individual packages?

Stable release upgrade testing with full logging and rollback support -
create / anonymise a stable image and use it again and again for
upgrade testing with full logging. Build a set of standard stable
images, some fresh installs, some upgraded repeatedly, to run upgrade
tests automatically.

If there is sufficient interest and enough people likely to attend
DebCamp, I would be willing to put this forward as a


Neil Williams

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