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Re: excuses for resiprocate: bug is closed

On Sat, 2013-08-03 at 12:00 +0200, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> http://qa.debian.org/excuses.php?package=resiprocate
> http://bugs.debian.org/713634 is marked as done since 1.8.8 - therefore,
> 1.8.11-4 should be OK for testing but it appears to be stuck

The excuse is entirely correct; this is not a problem with either the QA
page or britney, rather with the bug's metadata.

If you look at the version graph on
http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=713634 , you'll see
that all of the version blobs are red ovals - there is no green, despite
a fixed version being set. The problem is:

Found in version resiprocate/1.8.8-2
Fixed in version src:resiprocate/1.8.8-2

It is nonsensical for a bug to both exist in a particular version and be
fixed in that version, so the BTS assumes that the bug is not fixed. If
there was no bug in the package, the closure should be unversioned; as
it's already been closed removing the fixed version would suffice.



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