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Re: DEP 12: Per-package machine-readable metadata about Upstream

On Thu, Jan 03, 2013 at 04:51:02PM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:

> My point, rather, is that a bunch of the stuff that's being discussed as
> relevant to debian/upstream can change independent of any functional
> change in the package, and therefore the proposal raises the question of
> whether we want to put even more non-functional metadata directly into the
> source package instead of somewhere with lighter-weight update processes.
> I think this is particularly relevant to any information that isn't
> specific to a particular upstream version of the package.

This currently happens with Debtags, since tags are changed at
debtags.debian.net and not in package source files: "Tag" fields are
injected by dak directly into Packages through an override file.

It's a bit of a hack and we already discussed some ways of improving it;
afaik it's the only existing example of a field that can change
independently of functional changes in the packages.



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