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Some issues with the RDF export

Hi there!

It is really nice to see that Debian exports RDF! Great work! I was just 
made aware of it by Jonas Smedegaard, who have packaged most of the 
Perl+RDF stack as well as other semweb packages.

I have some comments, most pertaining to this small excerpt:

    a admssw:SoftwareProject;
    doap:description "Debian librdf-linkeddata-perl source packaging";
    doap:homepage "http://packages.debian.org/src:librdf-linkeddata-perl";;

1) Shouldn't the subject URI be to something else than the QA package? I 
don't think the QA page itself is a SoftwareProject, the latter is an 
abstract thing. So, it should IMHO be something like 


The same goes for all the other mentions of admssw:SoftwareProject in the 

2) DOAP has a doap:shortdesc property. I suggest using that for the current 
description, and perhaps use doap:description for the full description?

3) doap:homepage shouldn't be a literal, it should be a URI, so pointy 
brackets, not quotes. There seems to be the same for all the doap:homepage.

4) Finally, to really make it linked data, it would be cool to add links to 
e.g. upstream where it exists. For all the Perl packages, there exists URIs 
for everything on CPAN. The upstream URI of this package is 


Some heuristics could probably done to add this, but perhaps a field in the 
package description would be better?

Kjetil Kjernsmo
PhD Research Fellow, University of Oslo, Norway
Semantic Web / SPARQL Query Federation
kjetil@kjernsmo.net           http://www.kjetil.kjernsmo.net/

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