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Re: [PATCH 2/2] dmd.cgi: Show only packages with this maintainer in sid or experimental.

On 18/07/12 at 17:04 -0600, Tim Retout wrote:
> >> Another interesting set of packages would be NMUs, where the uploader
> >> is responsible for any issues caused by the NMU.
> >
> > Indeed, that would require selection of packages based on uploading key.
> > It's already in the TODO list ;)
> So far I was assuming this would use the changed_by field to work out
> who prepared the nmudiff.  The uploading key would tell you who
> sponsored the NMU, and I suppose you could argue that the sponsor is
> also responsible for any bugs...?  This is my SQL from a
> work-in-progress patch, for what it's worth:
> select s.source, u.changed_by_email
> from upload_history u
> join sources s
> on u.source = s.source
> and u.version = s.version
> where u.nmu = 't'
> and s.release = 'sid'
> and s.distribution = 'debian'
> and u.changed_by_email in (#{nmu_emails.map { |e| quote(e) }.join(',')})
> Of course, uploading key is necessary to list sponsored packages in a
> similar manner to DDPO, but I can see that being tricky, since the
> main GPG id might not match the maintainer email address...

Well, you can find the key id in upload_history too.

Also, that would require a multi-field form, but that's also useful if
you want to select packages based on several email addresses (DDPO
supports that).


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