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Re: Packages missing from UpstreamMetadata repository

On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 06:07:45PM +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
> > I wonder whether there might be a chance to detect this obsoleteness
> > somehow automatically.  Currently we have a quite restricted set of
> > packages which can be maintained manually.  But once we have more
> > packages this certainly will not scale.  I wonder whether it makes
> > sense for Umegaya to inspect VCSes directly.  When dealing with the
> > machine-readable files for prospective packages I was able to detect
> > several broken Vcs strings without much trouble.
> Hi Andreas,
> definitely, I would like to have a set of systems checking integrity or
> consistency either at fixed times or at refresh time.  Comparison with the data
> already in the UDD would be great,

I guess comparing with data in UDD does not help that much because if a
debian/control file would contain a broken Vcs-* URL this is verbosely
copied into UDD without any verification - so you get the very same
information that is provided to debcheckout.
> as well as recursing the VCSes directly on Alioth.

IMHO this is more promising.  When recursing VCSes on Alioth you just
*know* the URL where the packaging is situated and then you can try to
compare the string in debian/control (or try some heuristics whether the
strings are compatible).

> I think that the difficult will be to find a way to deal with
> thousands of packages without consuming too much resources.  Any volunteer to
> contribute solutions is more than welcome !

What I could provide quite easily on the gatherer for blends-prospective
packages is the following:  When browsing the list of packages in a
given VCS I stop parsing after realising that the package is just in
offical Debian.  I could change this to at least verify the VCS fields
even in those official packages.  Given the fact that I'm a member of
most of those teams I would also fix URLs if I find some broken ones.
However, this is no solution in the sense you are mentioning above
because it would not scale for general Debian.

> I hope we can do the proof of principle with the VCS URLs, now that Debian
> source package control files are also gathered.

I'm not fully sure whether this really helps.  It just gives information
what is uploaded to Debian (should be the same as in UDD) but you can
not know where the code is really maintained if the VCS URL is wrong. 

Kind regards



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