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Bug#690414: PTS: screenshots related improvements

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Believe it or not - I'm finally working on the web application behind
screenshots.debian.net. Slight delay of one year or something. :)
I had to fix a dependency module and was actually waiting for artistic
help from the Ubuntu project but I still don't have a good template.
So I'll hack something myself.

Am 08.12.2012 08:07, schrieb Paul Wise:
> On Sun, 2012-10-14 at 12:45 +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
>> For packages that have screenshots on screenshots.d.n, the PTS
>> should link to them so maintainers know about them and can review
>> them.
>> It would also be good to have a todo item for packages that need
>> a screenshot, using various criteria such as debtags or
>> dependencies.
> Christoph, I'd like to link to screenshots.d.n from the PTS. Would
> it be possible for you to add per-source-package pages for the PTS
> to link to?

You mean where lookup is possible from the source package name instead
of the binary package name? Yes, that should work. I'll reflect that
in the database schema.

> Also, do you think the PTS should do the checks for my suggested
> TODO item or should that be done on screenshots.d.n?

IMHO the PTS only works for specific packages and does not provide a
generalized list. Of course it can be implemented in the PTS but
screenshots.debian.net provides a list of packages with missing
screenshots anyway.

User-friendly version:

JSON version:

I could implement a certain URL returning information about
screenshots for a certain source package if that helps.


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