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Bug#626254: PTS Code is pretty simple

Here's the PTS code for collecting the version information from DEHS:

# read info gathered from watch file scanner
data = yaml.load(file(os.path.join(dir, "dehs.yaml")), yaml.CLoader)
dehs = {}
for entry in data:
    pkgname = entry["package"]
    if "status" in entry and "Newer version" in entry["status"]:
        if pkgname not in dehs:
            dehs[pkgname] = {}
        dehs[pkgname]["newer"] = str(entry["upstream-version"])
        dehs[pkgname]["url"] = entry["upstream-url"]
    if "warnings" in entry:
        if pkgname not in dehs:
            dehs[pkgname] = {}
        dehs[pkgname]["error"] = entry["warnings"]

It's retrieving the yaml file from get http://qa.debian.org/cgi-bin/udd-dehs.  
This looks like a YAML file with the following format:

  debian-mangled-uversion: 1.4.2
  debian-uversion: 1.4.2~dfsg0
  package: qlandkartegt
  status: up to date
  upstream-version: 1.4.2

Possible status results are:

"up to date"
"Debian version newer than remote site"
"Newer version available"

Packages for which there is no information don't seem to to appear at all.

If UDD could output such a file and we could change the location the PTS was 
pulling from, then we could get this part of it back in business.  Is that a 
reasonable approach?

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