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Remaining issues of data propagation from debian/upstream to UDD bibref table


(for those who wonder:  Charles and me dcided to discuss ussues of
Upstream Metadata Gatherer[1] here on this list.)

For those who have no idea what we are talking about: The Blends tasks
pages are displaying scientific publications connected to the packages.
The source for this information are debian/upstream files.  We try to
get BibTeX compliant records from it.  The result can be seen via an
UDD query:

  alioth$ psql -t -A -h localhost -p 5441 -U guest udd -c "SELECT * FROM bibtex()"

Some more details can be found in a posting to Debian Science list[2]

The latest run of bibref gatherer uncovered the following remainin

  1. ncoils:
     Author of source package ncoils does contain invalid BibTeX format: A. Lupas, M. Van Dyke, and J. Stock will be turned into A. Lupas, M. Van Dyke and J. Stock
     Suspicious authors field in source package ncoils - seems to have comma separated authors: A. Lupas, M. Van Dyke and J. Stock

     -> the source package ncoils should simply go away (it is the
        name of the binary), but the source package is coils.  I'm
        afraid umegaya does not "forget" any entry it previousely
        had even if the package might have been renamed or removed

  2. shelxle:
     Suspicious authors field in source package shelxle with way more ',' than ' and ' strings: C. B. Hübschle, G. M. Sheldrick, B. Dittrich

     -> for whatever reason the debian/upstream file of shelxle is
        not up to date.  The umegaya repository says:

           Author: C. B. Hübschle, G. M. Sheldrick, B. Dittrich

        Which is the status from

           Revision 3508
           Mon Apr 2 22:58:25 2012 UTC (5 weeks, 2 days ago) by dleidert-guest 
        As you can see in SVN[3] this was changed last Friday and
        somehow did not propagated to the umegaya repository.

  3. autodock:
     Suspicious authors field in source package autodock with way more ',' than ' and ' strings: Garrett M. Morris, Ruth Huey, William Lindstrom, Michel F. Sanner, Richard
K. Belew, David S. Goodsell and Arthur J. Olson.

     -> Possibly similar to (1. ncoils): Autodock is a binary package
        the source is named autodocksuite and its upstream file is
        properly updated to a valid BibTeX syntax while the record
        of autodock remains at a random state.
     -> Very same is true for autogrid because it is drawn from the
        same source

  4. r-cran-qvalue:
     Extra key in source package 'r-cran-qvalue': Reference-DOI - please remove from upstream file

     -> I guess umegaya can not fix this issue for now because the
        fixed package was renamed to r-bioc-qvalue and is hanging
        in NEW queue.  I'll observe and will give you a heads up
        once there is some change.

Kind regards


[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-gcc/2012/03/msg00183.html
[2] http://lists.debian.org/debian-science/2012/05/msg00019.html
[3] http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/debichem/unstable/shelxle/debian/upstream?view=log


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