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Re: [UDD] Enhances field in packages table should be text[] (array) rather than text

On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 02:17:49PM +0100, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> It would be better to have both a array-ifed version of the field, and a
> text version of the field, in the packages table. That way,
> compatibility is preserved. Patch welcomed.

Uhmm, that sounds a bit redundant.  I just implemented a query in my
script for the Blends pages where I use

  function(text[], text[])

where $1 is something like '{"pkg1","pkg2",...,"pkgn"}' and $2 is
rendered as '{"%pkg1%","%pkg2%",...,"%pkgn%"}' by the Pythonscript which
calles the function.  This is not elegant but works somehow.  I'm not very
motivated to write a more elegant function for the Blends pages at the cost
of a quite redundant packages table.  So leaving it as is seems acceptable
to me.

Kind regards



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