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Bug#647901: PTS: inform when a package is involved in a transition

On Mon, Nov 07, 2011 at 02:11:23PM +0100, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> It would be nice if the PTS informed the maintainers that a package is
> currently involved in some ongoing transition (to testing) so that
> they can refrain from doing unnecessary uploads.

I've implemented a long time ago support for listing the packages that
are blocked by ftp-master due to ongoing transitions. Here are the
relevant lines from various files:

----- update_incoming.sh -----
# ongoing transitions
nice_wget http://ftp-master.debian.org/transitions.yaml \

---- other_to_xml.py ----
def read_transitions(fname):
    y = yaml.load(file(fname))
    packages = {} # maps pkg to the _list_ of transitions they are involved in
    for id, transition in y.iteritems():
        for pkg in transition['packages']:
            if not packages.has_key(pkg):
                packages[pkg] = []
    return packages

---- pts.xsl ----
	<div class="warning">
	  <!-- XXX unappropriate <ul>, just to make the text looks like other
	       boxes, should be fixed on the CSS side (getting rid of <ul>) -->
	  <p>This package is part of <em><xsl:value-of select="$transno" /> ongoing
	      testing transition<xsl:if test="$transno != '1'">s</xsl:if></em>
	    (namely: <tt><xsl:value-of select="$translist" /></tt>). For
	    more information see the
	    <a href="http://ftp-master.debian.org/transitions.yaml";>transition
	      status file</a>.<br />
	    <em>Uploads to unstable will be rejected</em> while
	    transitions are ongoing; you might want to upload to
	    experimental in the meantime, or
	    contact <tt><a href="mailto:debian-release@lists.debian.org";>debian-release</a></tt>
	    if an upload is really necessary.

I've the impression that nowadays the Release Team does not use anymore
ftp-master hard blocks (or quite sparingly). It would make sense to
extend the *current* code (instead of implementing something entirely
new) to emit the above warning in both cases: a) ftp-master block, b)
transition listed in the transition tracker.

The message might need generalization as well.

Stefano Zacchiroli     zack@{upsilon.cc,pps.jussieu.fr,debian.org} . o .
Maître de conférences   ......   http://upsilon.cc/zack   ......   . . o
Debian Project Leader    .......   @zack on identi.ca   .......    o o o
« the first rule of tautology club is the first rule of tautology club »

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