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Bug#566637: DDPO stops showing packages in other suites but not in unstable

Re: Sandro Tosi 2010-01-24 <8b2d7b4d1001240247o78be3d17pc5b84f1b32e0ec6b@mail.gmail.com>
> now DDPO doesn't show packages that are still in other suites but were
> removed from unstable. For a couple of examples:
> my DDPO: http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=morph
> package in stable but no more in unstable:
> http://packages.qa.debian.org/p/python-processing.html


the idea here was that it shouldn't show packages that you orphaned in
the meantime, i.e. there's a new maintainer in unstable, but stable
still shows you as the maintainer. Of course removed packages are a
different story, but that's the same code path here.

Thinking about it, promoting stable to be an "interesting"
distribution for DDPO would make sense. (I wouldn't do it for
oldstable, though.)

cb@df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/

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